Monday, April 14, 2008

Free EDucation for post-graduate position in Quantum and Computational Chemistry at University of Antwerp

The Structural Chemistry Group of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Antwerp is a research group which combines exptertise on

- quantum chemistry
- organic semiconductors
- diffraction

in multidisciplinary research on

- the development and implementation of quantum chemical methods for the study of large systems
- structure and bonding in chalcogen-nitrogen compounds
- structures of organic molecules in the crystal
- PPV oligomers for electronic and optical devices
- the development and evaluation of electronic nose technology

Within the framework of GOA-project 2007-10 entitled “The Elucidation of Complex Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectra of Novel Stable Radical Cations - An Interdisciplinary Approach”, in association with the research groups Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (Prof. Dr. Etienne Goovaerts) and Spectroscopy in Biophysics and Catalysis (Prof. Dr. Sabine Van Doorslaer), the Structural Chemistry Group has one vacant four-year post-graduate positions leading to a Ph.D.

A post-graduate position in Quantum and Computational Chemistry

Job description:

The position entails the calculation of EPR-related parameters of organic and organometallic radical cations with commercially available software such as ORCA, ADF, …


The position is open to Masters of Science with in an interest in spectroscopy and software development.
For further particulars and applications please contact Prof. Dr. Kris Van Alsenoy.

For further background on the Structural Chemistry Group visit the web pages at

Application Deadline: 01-Sep-08


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