Thursday, April 24, 2008

Free Education for post-doc position in multi-dimensional isotope studies of halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOC) at STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY

- Ref. Dnr. 617-0969-08.

The position offers the possibility to acquire a broad range of analytical and conceptual skills within environmental and atmospheric chemistry, biogeochemistry and climate science. The post-doc would join an internationally recognized group of researchers and have full access to state-of-the-art field sampling and analytical facilities at Stockholm University and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Laboratory for Isotope Geology). Our research-oriented department hosts a large, active and international Ph.D. student and post-doc group. The successful candidate would also be immersed in the interdepartmental Bert Bolin Climate Change Research Centre, a national centre of excellence at Stockholm University.

Project description

Halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOC) such as CH3Br, CH3Cl and CH2Br2 are significantly affecting atmospheric chemistry including thinning of the stratospheric ozone layer. There exists a large uncertainty regarding the relative importance of their different natural (e.g., marine and land-based) and anthropogenic sources. This post-doc project would seek to develop and apply unique measurements of the isotopic composition of these methyl halides (C, H, Br and Cl isotope systems) to make progress toward improved understanding of their sources; information that is required both for projections of future ozone layer thickness and to possibly affect reduction in anthropogenic emissions. Field campaigns are planned to the Swedish west coast, sub-arctic Abisko region and on northern Svalbard in the high Arctic. This project is primarily financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR).


We are seeking a highly motivated person with a completed Ph.D. within the environmental and earth sciences, chemistry or engineering. Experiences with modern isotopic mass spectrometry, handling of gases, instrumental development and tinkering, analyses of organic compounds and field sampling would all be beneficial.


Your application, including CV with publication list, a copy of your Ph.D. diploma, a cover letter outlining your qualifications and interest for this position, name and contact information to two reference persons, and any other documents (e.g., selected publications) you would like to include should be submitted on or before 10 May 2008 to:

Position Nr. 617-0969-08

Applications via email ( or fax (+46-8-163866) are accepted if immediately followed by a signed hard-copy.

For further information contact Assoc. Prof. Örjan Gustafsson, tel. +46 (0) 8 674 7317/ +46 (0) 70 3247317, email

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (ST), and Gunnar Stenberg (SECO), tel. +46-8-162000.


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