Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology
Department of Marine Technology
Department of Marine Technology is a major institution for higher education and research in marine technology. It is located in Trondheim at the Marine Technology Centre together with the applied research unit Marintek - a subsidiary of the SINTEF Group. The department has more than 50 Ph.D. students and the 5 year Master Program graduates 80 candidates annually and the International Master Program 10 candidates.
Up to 7 PhD Research Fellowships
Related to design and operation of marine systems
Key research areas of the Marine Systems Group are design, fabrication and operation of marine systems and marine engineering of ships, offshore installations, fishing vessels and aquaculture facilities. There are 9 full time and 3 adjunct professors. During the next year the group will increase the staff by two full time and 2 adjuct professors. The group is organized within the Department of Marine Technology at NTNU.
The group has presently up to 5 vacant doctoral fellowships related to the following research programs:
• Conceptual design of ships, product design platforms and life cycle analysis
• Risk and vulnerability analysis and management in maritime logistics
• Risk based safety management for maritime operations
• Energy effiecient propulsion and environmental factors
• Maritime logistics, fleet planning and scheduling
• Technical operations of marine systems, and integrated operations of offshore facilities
• Design of facilities for sustainable capture and production of sea food
Further information can be obtained from group leader, Professor Harald Ellingsen,
email: harald.ellingsen@ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 55 79.
Related to marine hydrodynamics and marine structures
The research activities of the Marine Structures group are governed by the fact that the Norwegian marine industry operates in the harshest environment on the globe. A combination of strong winds, large waves, deep waters, low temperatures and safety concerns requires unique technological solutions. The research activities of the group are broad, spanning the disciplines of hydrodynamics and structural mechanics, with ten full time and six adjunct professors. The group is organized within the Department of Marine Technology at NTNU.
The group has presently up to 2 vacant doctoral fellowships related to marine hydrodynamics and structural analysis. The following research fields are of particular relevance:
• Marine operations
• Extreme wave load effects in sea structures
• Viscous flow simulations of marine structures (CFD)
• Transport mechanisms in the ocean (i.e. sediments and plankton)
• Propulsion and seakeeping
• Ocean wave statistics
• Design against accidental loading, collisions and groundings
• Material and structural integrity, fatigue and fracture
• Riser and pipeline design and analysis
• Reliability of structures
Further information can be obtained from group leader, Professor Bjørnar Pettersen,
email: bjornar.pettersen@ntnu.no, phone +47 73 59 55 33.
The PhD study program consists of a half year of course work and 2,5 years on thesis work. The doctoral fellowship is based on a scholarship. The assignment period is normally four years. The candidate will work part time as research/teaching assistant with a workload not exceeding one year during the four year assignment period. Applicants should have a background and a language proficiency (preferably Norwegian, but English is also acceptable) to be able to work as assistant in regular courses given by the Department.
Applicants must hold a Masters degree in naval architecture, marine engineering or a related field. Candidates with other relevant background may be required to take some extra courses. Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD program at the Department. See http://www.ntnu.no/ivt/phd/english for more information. It is a requirement for the position that the candidate applies for and is accepted for a PhD program at the Department. The annual gross salary is NOK 325 600 (38 000 Euro) for a doctoral fellowship. The gross salary will be increased according to normal salary policy. Personal taxes and a contribution to a pension fund, amounting to about 30-35 %, will be deducted from the gross salary. The positions adhere to the Norwegian Government’s policy of balanced ethnicity and gender.
The application, marked IVT-28/08 with CV, authorized grade transcripts and outline of research topic should be sent electronically through http://www.jobbnorge.no. Application deadline: 15 June 2008.
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