Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Free Education / Scholarship for M.S degree or Ph.D candidates at Gyeongsang National University, Korea

There are 2 or 3 positions available for M.S. degree or Ph.D candidates in the control area of the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Gyeongsang National University in South Korea.

The prospective students can start to study from this comming fall semester. The students graduated from mechanical or electrical engineering department are expected to apply to these positions.

They can be supported for living cost (US$ 300 - US$ 900 per month) and tuition.

If you are interested in these positions, please send me (iyoun@gnu.ac.kr) academic transcript and resume. If you have any questions regarding these, please contact me.

Professor Iljoong Youn
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
Gyeongsang National University, South Korea
Tel. +82-55-751-5317


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