2 Fully Funded PhD scholarship in Enterprise Resource Planning in collaboration with Microsoft
The Centre for Applied ICT at Copenhagen Business School invites applications for 2 scholarship in Enterprise Resource Planning. The scholarships will be associated with the large "Third Generation Enterprise Resource Planning Systems"project (www.3gerp.org), with more than twenty researchers. This is carried out in close collaboration with Microsoft Development Centre in Copenhagen. The scholarships are fully funded, i.e. there is no tuition, and the student will receive a salary of around 3.500€/month for the three years of study.
Closing date: 5 May 2008 at 12.00 noon.
The two PhD scholarships are offered within the areas of:
* Operations management
* Accounting management
* Business Intelligence
* Information systems
All within the context of specifying, developing, deploying and using standard ERP systems for many countries and industries, especially providing research based innovations to the future generations of ERP systems.
For the scholarship, the department will give priority to applicants who demonstrate competencies within empirical research and theory development, and who show an interest in both joining the department`s research environment and functioning as a link to the relevant industry. Center for Applied ICT is one of the largest research centers at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) with around 30 researchers and a portfolio of research projects that exceed 10 million €. Among our global partners are Microsoft, IBM, SAP, ARLA, Heineken, United Paper Mill (Finland), Mahindra & Mahindra (India), and Danish Radio.
Please see the centre profile at www.cbs.dk/caict and obtain general information on the CBS PhD Programme on www.cbs.dk/phd
For more information on the scholarships and application procedure, please visit http://frontpage.cbs.dk/jobs/stil.pl?func= details&id= 940
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