Thursday, April 17, 2008

Free Education for PhD-researcher Mathematics at Netherland

The Mathematical Institute hosts about 25 tenured staff, 25 PhD students and 10 postdocs. The number of students (graduate and undergraduate) is about 300. The institute has the ambition to cover a broad range of active areas of research. In this way we aim for a stimulating research environment with ample opportunity for interaction between different fields of mathematics and other research area’s like physics and biology. The research of the institute covers parts of algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory, mathematical physics, mathematical biology, mathematical economics, stochastics/ statistics, numerical analysis and the history of mathematics. The institute holds a prominent position both nationally and internationally. More information can be found on

Within the VICI-Project ‘From Arithmetic Geometry to Noncommutative Geometry, and back’ there is a vacancy for a

PhD-researcher Mathematics (1.0 fte)

Job description

The candidate is expected to perform research at the interface of number theory / arithmetic geometry / automorphic forms / graph theory on the one hand and noncommutative geometry / spectral triples / symbolic dynamics on the other hand. More specifically, the project aims at investigating relations between various notions of zeta functions, homology and rigidity.

Here you will find a more detailed description of the project.


The applicants are expected to have a solid background in at least one of both sides of the project. As an example of a suitable background, a working knowledge in the field of both modular forms and curves and C*-algebras is ideal, but many further combinations of acquired knowledge are possible.

We offer a dynamical working environment in a large project group consisting of 2 Post-docs and 3 PhD-researchers, located within one of the largest mathematics department of the Netherlands, with strong expertise in fields at the borderline of the current project. Even more expertise is available via national Dutch research initiatives such at the ‘Geometry and Quantum Theory’ cluster

Terms of employment

The full-time assignment will be for a period of four years and should lead to a dissertation and Ph.D degree. Gross salary starts with € 2,000.- in the first year and increases to € 2,558.- in the fourth year of employment. The salary is supplemented with a holiday allowance of 8% of annual salary and an end-of-year bonus of 6.4% per year. In addition we offer: partially paid parental leave, flexible employment conditions in which you may trade salary for vacation days or vice versa. The employment conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.

Further details

For further information please contact Prof Dr. G.L.M. (Gunther) Cornelissen, e-mail

How to apply

Applications, including a curriculum vitae can be submitted to the Personnel Department, Faculty of Sciences, P.O. Box 80010, 3508 TA Utrecht, the Netherlands or submit by e-mail to: Please mention vacancy number 62805.

Review of applications will begin on 3 April 2008, but the search will remain open until 31-05-2008.


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