In the Fracture Mechanics/Lightweight Materials and Structures Group of the Institute for Building Materials (IfB), of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) are available two PhD positions in the field of Lightweight Materials and Structures.The challenge in developing lightweight materials is to assure sufficient strength and deformability in combination with low weight which is of interest for economic use of resources. One of the strategies followed in the past years to mix cement and protein foam to reach significant weight reduction, where ways have been found to retain the strength.Foaming can be applied to almost any material, and currently first steps have been made to extend our efforts to include metallic foams. The development of a new material should at best be combined with investigations at the structural level to explore the possible applications.
In the research project the design and development of lightweight shelters as temporary fast deployable structures for use in cases of emergency or for large manifestations is pursued.The research comprises of two parts that should run in parallel. One part of the project focuses on the development of metallic foams in relation to possible structural configurations; the second part deals with the development of a numerical simulation program for analyzing the behaviour of the metal foams.
The candidates should have a completed Master degree in one of the following fields: materials science, applied mechanics, structural engineering or architecture (the last one with emphasis on structural design and engineering). For subproject (1) a creative mind is needed, interest in developing new materials and structures and a clear practical attitude needed in experimental exploration. For subproject (2) creativity is important, as well as a strong background in structural mechanics and numerical simulation techniques. Since synergy between the two projects should develop, team spirit is an important issue.
Entrance upon by arrangement
The starting date is open to discussion, but preferably at very short notice. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Jan G.M. van Mier, tel. 41 (1) 633 2709/2712, or
Contact address
Applications including a CV and the names of two referees can be sent electronically or by normal mail to Prof. Dr. Jan G.M. van Mier, ETH Zurich, IfB, Schafmattstrasse 6, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland.
Company: ETH Zürich
Workplace: Zürich-Hönggerberg
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