Monday, April 28, 2008

Free Education for PhD position in Human Geography at Stockholm University

at the Department of Human Geography. 617-1058-08. Application no later than 15 May, 2008.

The Department of Human Geography announces one PhD position at the Department of Human Geography to commence on the 15 August 2008. Individuals who are employed as PhD candidates shall engage themselves in their own PhD programmes, preferably within one the research themes of the department, see below The PhD program encompasses 240 course-points (4 years), and includes a doctoral thesis (150 points) and courses/literature studies (90 points in total).

The initial contract of employment shall be for no longer than one year, and can subsequently be renewed for periods not exceeding two years at a time. Employment as PhD candidate may not exceed a total duration corresponding to four years PhD education. The minimum monthly salary is currently 19 400 SEK. The 20 percent teaching assignment implies that the PhD education will consist of a period of five years.

The position is funded through the institutions faculty appropriation for research and post-graduate education. The institution anticipates that PhD candidates will subsequently participate in the production of applications for external funding.

Who is eligible to apply?
The applicant is required to fulfil the general eligibility requirement for Phd studies (a master or magister exam). Additionally, the applicant must fulfil the special eligibility requirement (särskild behörighet), i.e. to have achieved pass grades in at least 60 course points in the discipline of human geography / social geography / geography.

How do I apply?
A complete application headed with the reference number 617-1058-08 should arrive at the following address no later than 15 May, 2008.

Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm.

The application must include the following documentation:

- A completed application form for admission to the PhD student programme (the application form can be downloaded from the institutions website:,

- Curriculum Vitae

- a short presentation (3-4 pages) of the research area that the applicant intends to pursue and the reasons for applying to the PhD student programme (including specification of one or more of the institutions special areas of competence that the applicant is interested in, see below),

- LADOK certification, verified copies of education certificates supporting general and special admission requirements to the PhD student programme,

- one example of an independently written paper authored by the applicant within the framework of his/her 60- or 80-point (bachelor or masters) level university education,

- references from two university lecturers who have taught the applicant and who have a good knowledge of the applicants academic achievements,

- ancillary documentation that the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration (e.g. other reference letters).

The union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (ST) phone + 46-8-162000 (switchboard) and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), cell phone +46-70-316 43 41.

Current research themes at the Department of Human Geography

Research on local and regional planning and development: Power, environment and gender.

Planning research investigates the possibilities and the constraints that are involved in planning for urban and rural environments, as well as those concerning regional restructuring and development initiatives. Of central importance here are the various forms of spatial and social imbalances and the associated problems, which take the form of uneven resource distribution, inequality and segregation. Research is applied to rural environments, to the modern city and suburb, and to issues concerning planning for sustainable development.

The focus of research here concerns changing gender identities, constructions, and practice from the perspective of the spatial contexts in which they operate.

Contact persons: Professor Gunnel Forsberg, e-mail

Historical Geography and Landscape Research

The field of research concerning landscape development, which has a long tradition at the institution, is currently undergoing an exciting phase of development. Ongoing projects and supervision expertise in this field pertain more specifically to satellite imagery analysis and GIS-development for application in areas including landscape analyses, landscape evaluation, historical geographical investigations of land use change, landscapes in the Middle Ages, and the influence of global systems on local societies and landscapes. In collaboration with the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology at Stockholm University, the research programme entitled People, Land and Time in Africa is studying people and environments in southern and eastern Africa from an historical perspective.

Contact person: Professor Mats Widgren, e-mail

Demography, quantitative methodology and GIS.

This research theme analyses the role that demographic change plays for social and economic development at the regional, national and international scales. This field of research is characterised by an inter-disciplinary approach and a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, including GIS.

Contact person: Professor Bo Malmberg, e-mail

Global and local economic and urban processes.

This research profile studies global processes and globalization in the context of economic and urban geographies. How do geographical structures for production and consumption develop? How are these dependent on political regulation and policy? How do relations between the local and the global manifest themsleves? This profile focuses on regions and cities and how different places develop within networks at various scales.

Contact person: Assistant Professor Brita Hermelin. , e-mail


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