Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
Postdoctoral Fellowship The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Independent Research Group I (Dagmar Schäfer), announces a postdoctoral fellowship for up to two years, beginning 1 September 2008.
Projects from the fields of Art, Architecture, Material Culture OR Economics in Chinese history (10th to 18th Century) that involve the relationship between practical and theoretical knowledge are particularly welcome.
Outstanding junior scholars (Ph.D. awarded no earlier than 2003) are invited to apply. Fellowships are endowed with a monthly stipend between 1.900 and 2300 € (fellows from abroad). The Max Planck Society is committed to promoting more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply. Postdoctoral fellows are expected to participate in the research activities at the Institute.
Candidates are requested to send a curriculum vitae, publication list, research prospectus (maximum 1000 words), a sample text, and two letters of recommendation no later than 1 April, 2008 to:
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Administration,
PD-NWG I Boltzmannstraß e 22 14195 Berlin
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