2 POSITIONS AS DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS (SKO/post code 1017) IN INTERNATIONAL HISTORY are available at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo.
The Faculty of Humanities wishes to strengthen research in international history and is therefore advertising two doctoral research fellowships. The successful candidates will be working in one or two of the following departments: Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History (IAKH), Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages (IKOS) and Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS).
The selected candidates will investigate questions pertaining to the history of non-Nordic countries. The topic of the dissertation may be national/regional history, transnational history or international relations in a historical perspective. The selected candidates are expected to affiliate with an existing research milieu or network and to contribute to the further development of these. The project description must be written in English.
The dissertation itself is to be written in English or another non-Nordic language of particular relevance to the topic of the dissertation. The position is available for a period of three years. The successful candidates must assume their positions no later than 1. October 2008. If the applicant has worked as a doctoral research fellow previously to being hired at the Faculty of Humanities, that period of time will be deducted from the allotted 3 year period.
Candidates who are accepted must participate in the Faculty of Humanities researcher education programme (cf. regulations and supplementary provisions for the faculties` researcher education) and must also engage in the designated research activities on a 100% basis. The designated aim of the project is to complete a doctoral dissertation to be defended at a public disputation for the Ph.D.-degree.
The Ph.D. programme at The Faculty of Humanities is organized in seven different courses of study. The candidates in question must choose between either History or History of Culture and Religion, Archaeology and Asian and African Studies.
A Norwegian 5 year Master degree, or equivalent, in an area relevant to the writing of a doctoral dissertation in international history. In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on the quality of the project description and on the assumed academic and personal ability on the part of the candidates to complete the dissertation within the given time frame.
The short-listed candidates may be called to an interview at the University of Oslo. The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more women in academic positions. Women are encouraged to apply. The University of Oslo also has a goal of recruiting more immigrants to Norway in academic positions. Immigrants are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to secure rights to research results a.o. Guidelines for appointments to research fellowships at the University of Oslo may be obtained at http://www.hf.uio.no/english/research/doctor/index.html
For further information, contact:
* Research Director Åsmund Egge (IAKH), tel. +47 22 85 72 04, e-mail asmund.egge@iakh.uio.no
* Research Director Rune Svarverud (IKOS), tel. + 47 22 85 69 82, e-mail rune.svarverud@ikos.uio.no
* Research Director Karen Gammelgaard, tel. +47 22 85 67 95, email: karen.gammelgaard@ilos.uio.no
Government wage scale: 43-50 (from NOK 3258 800 to NOK 367 800,-)
Closing date for applications: 14 March 2008
REF. NO.: 08/385/GDO
The Faculty of Humanities homepage: http://www.hf.uio.no/ledige-stillinger/
Applicants must submit four copies of :
* Letter of application describing qualifications
* Project description, including a detailed progress plan for the project (max. 10 pages)
* A list of published and unpublished works (also digital productions)
* Curriculum vitae
* Certified copies of educational certificates (will not be returned)
to be stapled together in the stated order. Please note the 4 copies requirement. Applications that do not abide by these guidelines will be excluded from further application procedures. Master theses and the like are not to be submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to send in Master theses or other relevant works later.
Applications must be written in English. Please mark applications with ref.no. 08/385/GDO and send to :
The Faculty of Humanities,
P.O. Box 1079 Blindern, 03l6 Oslo,
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