Do you want to take part in the research of vitamin D metabolism in plants?A PhD scholarship is available at the Department of Food Chemistry, National Food Institute, DTU Food from 1 May 2008.
Apply before: 10.03.2008 at 12:00 (noon)
Vitamin D is essential for the development, growth, and maintenance of a healthy skeleton of vertebrates from birth until death. Formation of vitamin D in the skin is considered the most important source for vitamin D together with dietary intake of especially fish. However there is evidence for production of vitamin D3 in plants. Despite of this plant products and vegetables are generally not considered to be a source of vitamin D3.
This PhD scholarship is a part of the project “Improvement of vitamin D in food crops” financed by Ministry of Food, Agricultural and Fisheries which is a collaborative study between the National Food Institute and the Department of Plant Biology at University of Copenhagen.
Your research is intended to focus on the quantitative methods for the determination of vitamin D active compounds i.e. parent forms of vitamin D2 and D3, their pro-vitamins and mono-and dihydroxy- metabolites, as well as their glucosides in different crops. The analytical approaches will involve development of LC-MS/MS methods, and clean-up steps capable to produce a high through-put of analyses. And partly, your research will focus on investigation of the production of vitamin D in plants from their content of pro-vitamin D. This project is a part of our ongoing research into vitamin D at the National Food Institute.
You will during your project have intense collaboration with another PhD-student attached to the Department of Plant Biology, who will focus on the biosynthesis of vitamin D.
The expected candidate is a motivated young scientist with relevant experience from master study. Ideally, you have good knowledge in analytical chemistry of organic compounds by LC-MS/MS.
The candidate has to fulfil the criteria to be accepted as a PhD student at DTU and will be affiliated to FOOD programme. For further information, see
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The position is available for a period of 3 years.
For further information please contact Senior Scientist Jette Jakobsen,, tel: +45 72 34 74 15 or Head of Department Jørn Smedsgaard,, tel: +45 72 34 74 59.
Interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Please send your application including CV, diplomas and other relevant documents by email or letter to DTU National Food Institute, Bülowsvej 27, 1790 Copenhagen V. Please mark your application 33142-0720. Deadline for applications is: March 10, 2008 at 12.00 noon.
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